Polish Foreign Trade Office Head in Manila Bartek Wasiewski (Image from THEPHILBIZNEWS)
By Monsi A. SerranoWith the reestablishment of the Poland Embassy in the Philippines...
In photo: Displaced Ukrainians lining up in a reception center at Prague (Photo from THEPHILBIZNEWS/MAS)
An international donors’ conference for Ukraine is to be held...
By Jarosław SzczepankiewiczChargé d'affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in ManilaFile photo: THEPHILBIZNEWS/Manuel N. Roma, Jr.
The word "Ukrainian crisis" is...
Photo from https://ipn.gov.pl/
(Editor’s Note: This article is given to The Philippine Business and News (THEPHILBIZNEWS) by the Embassy of Poland in Manila for publication)By...
(Editor’s Note: This article and photo are given to The Philippine Business and News (THEPHILBIZNEWS) by the Embassy of Poland in Manila for publication)
Polish Ambassador to the Philippines Jaroslaw Szczepankiewicz (Photo from THEPHILBIZNEWS/Manuel N. Roma, Jr.)
By Monsi A. Serrano
E-commerce in the Philippines, which has become all the...
Running on its 11th year, the recently-concluded European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) in the Philippines drew 9,710 students, academicians, researchers and university officials from across...
(Editor’s Note: This article and photo are given to The Philippine Business and News (THEPHILBIZNEWS) by the Embassy of Poland in Manila for publication)
(Editor’s Note: This article and photo are given to The Philippine Business and News (THEPHILBIZNEWS) by the Embassy of Poland in Manila for publication)By...