Saturday, July 27, 2024

Delivering Stories of Progress




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How Philippine core values already made us human?

How Philippine core values already made us human? Article and Photo by Dr. Rebekka Volmer Is Bulalo the signature soup of Batangas or Tagaytay? No matter...

Very tragic and lamentable

UNCENSORED MANUEL L. MORATÓ Very tragic and lamentable The bombing of the Sulu Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is so tragic and lamentable.  Those...

It’s a matter of priority

Editor's Note: It's a matter of priority Photo File From THEPHILBIZNEWS In the proposed P3.8-trillion proposed national budget for 2019, around P20-billion was originally earmarked for...

Henry Sy, Sr.

UNCENSORED By MANUEL L. MORATÓ Henry Sy, Sr. Mr. Henry Sy, Sr. passed away quietly last week, as quietly as he led his life. He was a very...

‘Whatever Xi wants, Xi gets’

PerryScope By Perry Diaz ‘Whatever Xi wants, Xi gets’ Some call it “debt-trap diplomacy.’’  Some call it “debt-book diplomacy.”  But it doesn’t sound diplomatic at all.  The key word here...

No toques a los niños

Editor's Note: No toques a los niños (Do not touch the children) Photo File From THEPHILBIZNEWS Our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal once said, "The youth...

Another blasphemous movie?

UNCENSORED By MANUEL L. MORATÓ Another blasphemous movie? Last week in my column last Saturday where I made mention of a blasphemous movie “The Last Temptation of...

Is the Philippines the next Djibouti?

PerryScope By Perry Diaz Is the Philippines the next Djibouti? A tiny impoverished but strategically located country by the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the Horn of Africa, Djibouti...

What we have to watch out for

UNCENSORED By MANUEL L. MORATÓ What we have to watch out for The movie is a very powerful medium that needs good assessment before showing them in...

Why Wait for the Tax Amnesty?

Why Wait for the Tax Amnesty? By Atty. Josephrally L. Chavez, Jr. A tax amnesty is a general pardon or intentional overlooking by the State...

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