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We are all in it

The nuclear summit in Hanoi, Vietnam between US President Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un was “cut short” and ended abruptly last Thursday according to news reports.

The road to peace is not that easy to traverse especially a situation which has concerned the entire world for almost 70 years since the early 1950s when the Korean War broke out in North Korea that divided this nation into South and North Korea.

What bothers all right-thinking people is why denigrate the hard work that US President Trump is doing to achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula which has bothered many nations and took the situation as a great problem for the entire world.  The US in the past never even came near solving the enormous problem between North Korea and many other countries seeking for peace.

The Korean War in North Korea in the early 1950s caused so many deaths on the American soldiers and soldiers of allied forces.  How many families suffered the loss of their loves ones because there was no way of reaching an agreement peacefully.  The North stood pat against the South and divided their nation into two parts, as well as their very own people whose relatives were separated as well never to see each other for decades.  It was only recently that some concessions were allowed to cross to border to brief reunion in their golden years.  It was a heart-breaking reunion and further opened the wounds of sadness.

President Trump whatever those who are not politically allied with him do not see the importance of what the US President is doing to save the world.  The democrats try to put down all President Trumps efforts to achieve peace for the United States of America and to the entire world.  But it will be done.  President Trump will succeed in giving peace to the world.  Mark my word.

Watching the news by CNN, one would feel that their stance against President Trump is endless.  I can only say that instead of helping save their nation and the rest of the world, they do not care for as long as they can damage the efforts of a President who America has never had one before other presidents who tried but did not solve the war with North Korea.  And the problem lingered on for 7 decades.  This negotiation will not fail.  It will succeed for world leaders believe on the capacity, good intentions and brilliant mind of a man who even disciplined his own children.  Like a good father of the land, he will succeed.

I am confident that only President Trump will solve what ails America.  Since he took over the Presidency of the United States, so many problems have been solved for the benefit of the American people.  Those against President Trump know that they are only out to unseat him and be in power again.  But political power must not be the reason to go against a leader who loves his country more than others who have led the U.S.A. and were not controversial for instead of facing the problems of America squarely, they played politics, the art of hypocrisy.  That’s why the problems of the nation lingered on when problems are confronted with so much niceties and hypocrisy.

President Trump is not a politician.  His kind are those who have better vision, devoid of political hypocrisies that the US of America has had too much of it that most other countries have followed.  President Trump is a smart and well-educated person, a Wharton graduate who knows what is good for America, economically.  This is the first time America has had a successful businessman from the best business school in which he graduated.  I don’t believe there is one in Congress and Senate who achieved so much as President Trump.   

Democracy is nice to hear as a form of government – if it is well intentioned.  I’ve lived my student life in America, in the 1950s and 60s were the problems basically was segregation.  It was an internal affair of America which took decades and decades to solve.  But I must say, that only happened in sensitive areas for the American’s in general are a good, peaceful, religious and giving person.  That’s what I have in mind while I was growing up studying in Georgetown Prep School in Maryland and Loyola University of Los Angeles, California.  I can say that I was Jesuit bred, an intern and lived a cloistered life in my formative years.  I have fond memories of the American people and families of my classmates wherein I vacationed with different families and in different states.  I am sad to see America of today how it deteriorated in the sense that past leaders have removed the freedom of religion, allowed influx of illegal immigrants whose customs could not blend well because of different temperament, from different environment and God knows what background and motivation they have.

The mere fact that they are forcing their way in, that border is not only a necessity but a duty to block them.  America as a nation has the right as a nation to save their country from invasion of any kind.

Entering the United States of America illegally is definitely a form of invasion harmful to the United States of America.

*  *  *  *  *

The devolution of America in recent years say it all.  I read a comment on facebook entitled “Insane Insanity 20 – Nutzy –

It states as follows:

“R.I.P. America!!! You went soft on discipline.  You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children.  You took God out of schools.  Parents were told ‘no you can’t discipline your kids!  Kids had rights blah, blah, blah.  Well. America!! You shall reap what you sow, and we have lost a whole generation and turned them into selfish, disrespectful brats who have no respect for people, property or authority!  Things need to change!  Copy and paste if you have the guts too!!!”

I agree that this is what happened to America.  During my time of schooling in the U.S., my grade school classmates as well as in college had respects for their parents.

I believe that America exaggerated their freedom on the young in their formative years.  That was what embedded in their minds that the law gives the children their rights which they abused and became disrespectful of their parents as if they at par with them in anything they wish to do when their brains have not been formed into maturity and responsibility.

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