Sunday, September 8, 2024

Delivering Stories of Progress




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Smear drive against coconut oil, reckless and irresponsible says PCA

Photo from THEPHILBIZNEWS After successfully hosting the First World Coconut Congress held in the Philippines last August 14-16. which was attended by foreign delegates and...

What Coconut can do to your health and skin

Photos from THEPHILBIZNEWS Saving the best for last, the last day of The 1st World Coconut Congress was an exciting one as renowned guest speakers...

Philippines successfully launched the first-ever World Coconut Congress

It was a resounding success the impressed not only our local coconut producers and farmers, but also foreign delegates, exhibitors and guests in the...

World Coconut Congress

Be part of the 1st World Coconut Congress and help shape the future of the coconut industry. Discuss timely issues and create linkages with...

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