Saturday, March 29, 2025

Delivering Stories of Progress



Perry Diaz

PERRYSCOPE: Chinese migration to the Philippines

By Perry Diaz Five-five hundred years ago, the first Austronesians migrated from South China to Taiwan. It took another 1,500 years before they migrated to...

PERRYSCOPE: The price of leadership

By Perry Diaz Barely a few days after being sworn in as Secretary of State, Antony Blinken spoke with counterparts in Asia, the Pacific, and...

PERRYSCOPE: Trump’s fate is at the mercy of the Senate

By Perry Diaz As I am writing this column, President Donald Trump has only two days left in his presidency.  Then he will go into...

PERRYSCOPE: Trump loses in his ‘chicken’ game

By Perry Diaz Once again, President Donald J. Trump played the game of “chicken” when he held up the $900 billion COVID relief stimulus bill...

PERRY SCOPE: Quo vadis, Donald J. Trump?

By Perry Diaz For four years, we saw the meteoric rise of Donald J. Trump from a reality show producer to the President of the...

PERRYSCOPE: Pax Sinica, Xi Jinping’s dream of New World Order

By Perry Diaz On February 22, 2017, Chinese president Xi Jinping vowed for the first time that China should take the lead in shaping the...

PerryScope: How safe is the ‘Safe Philippines’ project?

By Perry Diaz Embroiled in controversy, the Safe Philippines project is facing strong opposition in the Philippine Senate due to negative reports about the contractor’s...

China’s quest for world dominion

PerryScope By Perry Diaz China’s quest for world dominion With the recent participation of the Philippines in China’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative last November 2018,...

‘Whatever Xi wants, Xi gets’

PerryScope By Perry Diaz ‘Whatever Xi wants, Xi gets’ Some call it “debt-trap diplomacy.’’  Some call it “debt-book diplomacy.”  But it doesn’t sound diplomatic at all.  The key word here...

Is the Philippines the next Djibouti?

PerryScope By Perry Diaz Is the Philippines the next Djibouti? A tiny impoverished but strategically located country by the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the Horn of Africa, Djibouti...

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