The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines' (IPOPHL) online trademark filing tool is now using the European Union's (EU) harmonized database of goods and...
By Alithea De JesusImage by THEPHILBIZNEWS
Given the growing number of cases of piracies in the net about contents, photos and videos, the Intellectual Property...
As part of the ongoing initiatives to promote the Philippine startup industry and connect it to the startup ecosystem in Silicon Valley for possible...
By Victoria "NIKE" De DiosPhotos courtesy of DOST-PCAARRD
Once again, it is proven that necessity is the mother of invention amid the challenges in improving...
Screengrab file of THEPHILBIZNEWS of IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba during the 2020 Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking briefing
By Victoria "NIKE" De Dios
By Victoria "NIKE" De Dios
Photo and infographics from IPOPHL
True to its mandate to protect the intellectual property rights of the entrepreneurs, scientists and inventors...
By Victoria "NIKE" De Dios
With the recent signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, the Intellectual Property (IP) chapter will help push...
By Victoria “NIKE” De Dios
For seven consecutive years, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) takes pride in as it receives the highest mark...
By Victoria “NIKE” De Dios
Transparency has always been an issue in governance as public servants and government agencies are always expected to be faithful...