Friday, March 7, 2025

Delivering Stories of Progress




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FIRING LINE: Power of positivity

By Robert B. Roque, Jr. Advent has come and, hopefully, it washes away all the negativity that 2020 has swept across the peoples of the...

FIRING LINE: Risky fire safety training

By Robert B. Roque, Jr. “Stay at home” has been this pandemic year’s battle cry in keeping the novel coronavirus at bay. Effectively so, keeping...

HOWIE SEE IT: Separation of Powers or Partisanship Justification?

By Atty. Howie Calleja   Philippine politics has, over the course of several decades, become synonymous with corruption. Each election cycle, new candidates will come bearing...

UNCENSORED: Who authored the “Mail-in-voting”?

By Manuel L. Morato America lost its democracy founded by their forefathers in 1776.  The dishonest “elections” held last November 3, 2020, ended what America...

Turnitin helps uphold academic integrity in online education

By Jack Brazel Contributor Online education has made a quick transition to the mainstream across the world in recent months as educational institutions adopt this model...

BUSINESS MENTOR: The Realization of the ‘New Normal’ for Entrepreneurs

By Armando "BUTZ" Bartolome Have you adjusted to the “new normal”? What are the changes that you need to do to be able to adapt...

FIRING LINE: Commission vs. Omission

By Robert B. Roque, Jr. I'm sure of having encountered a few social entrepreneurs in my work with the Lions Clubs International. They impress me...

UNCENSORED: What I like about President Trump

By Manuel L. Morato What I like about President Trump It is the accomplishments of President Trump which I appreciated in what he had done for...

FIRING LINE: Let LAV do his job

By Robert B. Roque, Jr. I’ve got to hand it to Lord Allan Velasco. He found a route to the Speakership, linked up with the...

UNCENSORED: When in power, one must not abuse

By Manuel L. Morato I see what happened to us in our residential neighborhood as an abuse of those in power in Quezon City.  When...

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