The theme of betrayal couldn’t be more fitting for today’s arrest of the foul-mouthed former president—the strongman who unleashed a bloodbath, ordering the execution of tens of thousands of suspected drug offenders and making sure they were painted as if they fought back.
But why come back now, after what looked like a clean exit strategy? Why return when he had already escaped to the arms of his favorite emperor?
Sources say his trusted aide—a senatorial re-electionist—talked him into coming back, claiming he struck a deal that he’d be untouchable. This once-loyal presidential sidekick is rumored to have made his own deal with the powers-that-be, ensuring his freedom too. Let’s not forget—he’s also tangled up in that crime against humanity case with the International Criminal Court.
If this is true, what’s next for the DDS (Davao Death Squad, before they conveniently rebranded themselves as Diehard Duterte Supporters)? Will they still throw their weight behind him for another term, or will they throw him under the bus?