By Alithea De Jesus
For those who are not familiar with the impressive Nordic culture and values, this is an opportunity for you to appreciate and understand why the Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines since 2014 has started to recognize various companies that share the Nordic values in business that of equality, innovation, and growth.
Interestingly, the Nordic Sustainability Awards Night evolved from the Nordic Awards Night of recent years. The word “Sustainability” was added for this run of the event to emphasize NordCham Philippines’ focus on promoting sustainable development goals that are in line with the Nordic Values.
The goal of this annual event is to give recognition to Nordic affiliated companies who conduct their business guided by both the SDGs and Nordic values.
Nominations are being accepted now until January 15, 2021, for these prestigious awards.
Sustainability Business Partner of the Year​
Innovation Business Partner of the Year​
Growth Business Partner of the Year​
Outstanding Employer of the Year​ co-presented by BDO Unibank
Small and Medium-sized Enterprise of the Year
Unlike the past years, these five awards will be formally presented during the virtual awards night on February 23, 2021.Â
This event is part of the Nordic Talks, supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NORDEN).

Past Winners include:
Corporate Sustainability Company of the Year co-presented by Trends And Concepts: H&M Philippines
Innovation Company of the Year co-presented by Salarium: Aidea Inc.
Growth Company of the Year co-presented by BDO Unibank: KMC Solutions
Outstanding Employer of the Year co-presented by Regus & Spaces: Döhle Shipmanagement Phils. Corp.
Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) of the Year co-presented by KMC Savills, Inc.: Onlinefactoryasia
The Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (NordCham Philippines) was established in 2012 to bring together the Nordic-Philippine business community. The organization promotes and facilitates trade, commerce, industry, and investment between the Philippines and the Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) and Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) countries.
The activities and programs of the Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (NordCham Philippines) are envisioned, crafted, and carried out around a single, simple, and direct vision:
Build a vibrant and prosperous community through business partnerships.
Be the leading organization dedicated to representing and serving Nordic-Philippine businesses through advocacy, access to leaders, economic development, connectivity, and business education
To promote Nordic Values that include sustainability, innovation, openness, equality, and trust.
‘Nordic Talks’ is a series of talks addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through current affairs that capture the essence of Nordic themes and issues. It is a branded talk-concept designed to help you strengthen your Nordic event and spark global conversations that matter.
For more information on NordCham Philippines and the awards, please visit: