Sunday, October 27, 2024

Delivering Stories of Progress


FIRING LINE: ‘Mischievous’ wife of the President

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By Robert B. Roque, Jr.

Before the weekend, a statement of mischief came through DZRH radio from the halls of the presidential palace: an explainer from her whose video went viral.

It was full admission that she snatched a champagne glass from Senate President Chiz Escudero, “mischievously’ sipped from it, and handed it back to him like he were her waiter.

For a First Lady of the Republic, Liza Araneta Marcos sure is oblivious to the gravitas her position demands. The vin d’honneur, a solemn and dignified event, is not the venue for light-hearted banter and personal jests.

As the wife of the President, she is expected to uphold the decorum befitting her role, especially in the presence of international dignitaries and esteemed guests.

Her behavior, described as mischievous and overly familiar, not only undermines the formality of the occasion but also reflects poorly on the dignity of the office she represents. Such conduct diminishes the respect and honor attributed to the highest seat of power in the country. It casts a shadow over the solemnity of the event, and the respect her family affords the heads of co-equal branches of government.

Trouble in Project 4

On Saturday morning, alarming news of a “hostage-taking” broke out from our neighboring community across Aurora Boulevard in Quezon City.

Initially, people were saying that four armed men broke into a house on Magat Salamat Street in Project 4, held the entire household hostage, and later released a sickly man and his two young daughters.

The responding SWAT team of the Quezon City Police District passed by our main street before noon and the drama lasted well before sunset.

Finally, police reported that eight people had been arrested, including a woman tenant of the house who ordered the home invasion and the lock-up, claiming that she owned the property.

Well, the real homeowner has already filed charges of trespassing and alarm and scandal. But Firing Line is alarmed that this type of criminal act seems to be taken so lightly. It reeks of syndicated crime! Don’t you think so, Police Station 8?

Perhaps, this case and these eight suspects should be investigated much deeper. Even China, which boldly trespasses into our maritime borders in the West Philippine Sea, is not as bold as to occupy our living room.

This crime is not just alarm and scandal or trespassing. If it is true the trespassers were armed and they were able to expel the homeowners out of their own house while locking police out and ignoring them the entire day – what a wimp these criminals have made out of our cops and our justice system.

*         *         *

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