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UNCENSORED: The Right Man for the Right Position

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By Manuel L. Morato

The United States of America is facing the most important election ever owing to the very complex situation we live in.  We are in extraordinary times like never before.  All countries and its leaders are heavily burdened as to how they can keep their nations and people free from the pandemic.  There is no solution up to now.

As if the world was not complicated enough even without the pandemic named Coronavirus/COVID 19.  It is the worst that was ever experienced by mankind, as far as all of us can agree on.  It drove all the peoples of the world to its knees.

I’ve watched and observed both the Democrats and Republican National Conventions; and if I were an American citizen and a voter, it is so easy to tell who among the two candidates America must vote for.

President Trump has what it takes to be President of the most powerful nation in the world.  I am proud to say that it would be difficult to find another Donald J. Trump.

Time and again I’ve said that the U.S. presidency is a man’s job.  The U.S.A. is the most powerful nation, cannot be run by a woman.  Let us face it.  It takes an intelligent and tough man to run a nation.

Other countries may consider a woman, but I cannot visualize Russia, China and the U.S. having a female president.  It really takes a capable man to run a country as powerful as the U.S., Russia and perhaps China – in that order.

It is rather difficult for top generals trained in the art of war and strategies of war taking orders from a woman, a housewife, much less in the age of 50s and 60s when menopause sets in.  Some are already erratic and mentally disturbed.  President Trump is the right man to lead America more than ever before.  He has the intelligence, the stamina, the character to match any opponent; and he is not a politician.

Many can’t seem to understand him; or just refuse to understand him.  Period!

America is a two-party system – Republicans and Democrats.  It’s easy enough to tell who among the two presidential candidates is more qualified.  Biden keeps reading what he wants to say.  He is propped up by his advisers.  His eyes are fixed on the teleprompter.  CNN accidentally interviewed a lady introduced as a former Trump supporter.  But the lady said that Biden is no longer qualified nor “up to it.”  The lady host was stunned.  She could not say a word and just stared at the lady guest.  President Trump is more alert and spontaneous; qualified; and not a politician.  He is a businessman and knows how to handle the country’s economy.   

The American election is like an eternal tug of war.  But there is a saying that “may the best man win.”  Whoever is the most capable and qualified, whoever is the more intelligent and whoever can better run the country and its people must be the one put in office.  No romanticism please for a U.S. woman president.  A female president, God forbid, cannot hack it.

Some candidates can go down to the gutter level.  Some say that Kamala Harris was chosen for its second nature to her to attack below the belt; that destroying people is what she is good at.  Her attacks against Biden in the pre-election selection as who would be chosen to be the official candidate of the Democratic Party.  With those attacks alone, Joe Biden cannot win the election; neither Kamala in this election for that matter.  The way those women attacked the two male pretenders, Biden and Sanders, none of them can make it to the White House.  Replaying what the women pretenders have said against the two male pretenders, neither one of them can make it.  Leave it to the so-called “woman power,” especially those going through the pre-menopausal stage or in delayed menopausal period.

Women cry out for “equality.”  We really have no problem with that.  I have no problem with that, only with the U.S. Presidency for whatever happens in the United States, the whole world is affected.  But there are just some positions that women cannot be, one of which is the job of the telephone man or electrician to climb up the electric posts; or be put in the frontline in a war.

In a parliamentary system of government, it gives a bit more opening for a woman prime minister for the majority rules in a parliamentary system, unlike the presidential system.

Without meaning to digress, since the time of Adam and Eve, the two were created differently, physically.  It was Eve I believe who ate the apple and the world paid for it.  Eve was emotional and jumped for the apple of the forbidden tree.

* * * * *

On “racism”, I don’t believe racism applies only to the black people.  It is a term monopolized by the black for convenience.  I cannot fathom it.  It’s not about color but the person itself.  Is that called “racism”?

Can’t we equally dislike a white person?  A yellow or brown individuals as well?  That’s not racism.

To me “racism” applies to all.  It is not the monopoly of the black.  Let’s consider how racism is defined now.  Anyone, I believe can be called “racist” if he or she find an uncouth and impertinent person of any color.  To dislike a misbehaving and badly educated person of any color is not racism.  They are simply despised for being ill-mannered, impertinent, “cargante”, “antipaticos”, “gambero”… as they are called in Spain and in all Spanish speaking countries in Latin America.  It’s the same when a black man is despised because of bad manners.  “Racism” should apply either way.  Some dislike a white man and are seen as ugly because they look “bloodless”.  Some hate the yellow, the brown or this or that.  Everybody can be labelled one way or another.

What I am driving at is that “racism” does not only apply to the blacks but to all colors who misbehave, who is impertinent, “mal-educado,” and a bad person.  Period.

The blacks have overused it.  But they don’t have the monopoly of suffering from “Racism” alone.  The blacks don’t have the monopoly of that word.  Remove it from your minds, from your vocabulary and hang-ups for it applies to all colors and the colorless.  There are certain norms in life we have to follow; and good manners and right conduct comes heavily into the picture.  We must digress from the word “racism”.

Every time the blacks misbehave and are reprimanded, they yell out as victims of “racism” when reprimanded.  Who said so?  Maybe there are some cases that we can properly refer to as victims of “racism”.  But that applies as well to any color for it all depends on the acts committed beyond the norms of true human behavior.

Nakakapagod na pong marinig ang word na “racism”.  It’s overused.  Maybe we can already remove that much-abused word from the dictionary; or change its definition entirely and refer it to anyone who is a “son of a bitch,” uncouth, impertinent, liar, a thief and a trouble-maker: and a law breaker.  Anyone!

It’s improper for a thief who was caught that he/she is being persecuted and caught stealing from the cash register of a store; or by a black, white, brown, yellow… caught in the act and is stupidly allowed to call the incident “racism,” meaning to say the law enforcers are “racists”.  No.  Es que eres un hijo o hija de p**a que ha comitido un acto contra la ley – sin mas ni menos.”

Many sons and daughters of b**ches overuse the word “racist” whoever catches them stealing or doing foul acts.  It is a much-abused word that must not be accepted, discarded.

In America today, the law enforcers are charged with “racism” for simply doing their job.

We regret that there are bad eggs among the law enforcers.  There will always be a bad egg in a basket.

That’s were the law enforcers must dedicate their authority in weeding out the bad ones from the good ones.

It’s not a difficult thing to do.  A police enforcer who commits a crime in the performance of his/her duty must be removed from office.  Period.  They can be reassigned as tomato pickers; and they better pick the ripe ones!

The law enforcers are needed in any society.  But are they really “law enforcers” or “law breakers”?  That’s a great responsibility they must constantly be aware of.

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