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UNCENSORED: A Nutritional Consultant is correct

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By Manuel L. Morató
(First of two parts)

I wish to pass on to everybody what a nutritional consultant, Mr. Toni Akinyemi, has said on how to combat the Coronavirus/COVID 19.

I’ve transcribed what he said in live streaming and it took quite some time to do it.  But it is a must for everybody to read and be guided by for I fully agree with him that there are ways to combat the Coronavirus/COVID 19.

It is better than “testing” for infected or not.  It is a must to take these over-the-counter organic medicines that really kill the Coronavirus/COVID 19.  That can prevent to the spreading of the virus as well.

We should all be in a defensive mode to combat the virus.  “Testing” just says if we are “positive” or “negative.”  But either way, we have to strengthen our body to defend ourselves from being contaminated by this present viral pandemic.

I believe in what Toni Akinyemi has presented and is telling us for that’s precisely what I am doing, even in the absence of the pandemic.  For example, Vitamin C 1000 mg. with Rosehips I’ve been taking for over sixty years since I was in college in the United States.  From then to now, I take it every day.

Let me present to you what Nutritional Consultant Toni Akinyemi has said:

“There are multiple things that begin to happen, and when those things begin to happen, at the end of the day, what happens is that blood clots, thus emboli, and then there is a mucous formation, allergic reaction, hyper inflammation, bleeding, and all of these things will lead to hypoxia: low oxygen level; and the person suffocates and the person dies. This is how the thing works.

Now, so, COVID-19 kills through all of these multiple actions in the body… Now let me talk about the issue of vaccines because people have been [inaudible] that “oh, they need to develop vaccines to address this particular situation, vaccines are important and if there are no vaccines, we’re gonna be helpless, the lockdown cannot be lifted, we cannot go back to economic activities”. Well, personally, I don’t believe in that sentiment. Vaccines have their place, but I have two major reasons why I personally don’t think the vaccine is the answer to COVID-19.

Vaccine can be one of the options – quite alright, I’m not disputing that – but it is not the only option. That’s number one; and number two, it is not even the most effective option. Why do I say so? First, all the viral infections that the world has ever experienced, how many of them have vaccines that are able to protect people sufficiently? Not one. People who get flu shots, you still have to keep getting it every year. This particular COVID-19 virus mutates quickly, so even if you take a vaccine that is tested and effective today, in 3 months or in 6 months, another variant has come out, and another vaccine would be needed for that particular one. That’s number one.

Number two… Is that the current vaccine that they are trying to develop for this particular COVID-19 is not the typical vaccine that we are used to? The typical vaccine that we are used to is that they take a virus—a weakened virus—and pump it into a person’s body to stimulate an immune reaction. So the body develops antibodies against that weakened virus. So next time the body gets exposed to the real virus, the body already knows how to fight it. That is the principle of vaccination.

But this particular vaccine that they’re trying to develop is not the type of vaccine we are used to. None like it has ever been developed in the whole world and used in humans. None. This is the first time they are trying to develop this type of vaccine. It is called the mRNA-DNA nucleic vaccine; and that particular vaccine, this is what is happening…what it does is it takes the genetic material of the virus—not a weakened virus—they take the genes of the COVID-19 virus and inject it into the human body to fuse with the human gene. So that is, in my view, scientifically speaking, that is genetic modification. They are trying to create human GMOs, genetically modified organisms. This new type of vaccine has never been approved for human use. There was a trial that was done in veterinary animals to [inaudible] it was a disaster. So it was banned. Now, it was the same vaccine that is untested, that is about to be administered, and the word is [inaudible] they are striving to make it mandatory for everybody. You don’t get a vaccine, you can’t get to certain places, you can’t do certain things, you can’t travel to certain places, you may not be able to get visas to certain countries, and all of those things. The mandatory-ness of that vaccination is a violation of our human rights. That is why I personally think that is not something we should explore.

So, we must begin to look in other directions. Vaccines serve as one option where there are other, natural substances that equally can serve to help. So [inaudible], let me just give you a few natural substances that we can use to help us in addressing this issue, both to strengthen our immunity and to protect us in case we also contract it, how to [inaudible].

The first one I would give as a natural suggestion is: limit your going out to places that are absolutely necessary.  As I said, you don’t want to unnecessarily and unduly expose yourself to, you know, unnecessary battles. So if you must not go to a place, if it is not compulsory, do not go there. Go to only places that are compulsory or mandatory for you to go. That is the first common sense thing I will say.

Number two, you need to have certain things in your first aid box. Number one, you need to have zinc. Zinc is so critical, so wonderful, so powerful, that in fact, when zinc enters into your cells, it can stop COVID-19 from replicating. Now, I am not prescribing for you because I am not your doctor, but I am a nutritional consultant and I am offering my wisdom. That’s all. You have the human right to prescribe for yourself in case you want to use these items, and they are OTC, by the way, over-the-counterYou don’t need prescriptions for them. You can walk into a health store or online and place an order. You take about 50mg of zinc every day, it is a mineral it is not a pharmaceutical drug, so you don’t need a prescription for it…when zinc is used in combination with a transporter, it works even better. A transporter is something that allows zinc to go into your cell very well. It opens your cell membranes and allows it to go in; and that is the job that hydroxychloroquine actually does… and there are certain foods we eat that are high in zinc, something like ginger for example.

You know, I’ve seen several people who have beaten COVID-19 and they said they blended ginger with garlic, with lemon, with turmeric, with this and that, and they boiled and they drank it; and one of the things that I have observed is that some of those substances they boil together actually are rich in zinc, particularly gingerVery rich in zinc, and the zinc in there can help to stop the replication of the virus, and it also boosts your immune system on the other hand. So it weakens the enemy and it strengthens the immune system so that it [inaudible] against the virus at the end of the day. So when people take hydroxychloroquine –  of course that one requires a prescription from a licensed medical person—now that one is going to help to open the cell membrane then zinc can go in and then strengthen your immunity while stopping the virus from replicating. That’s how the combination works. So the first thing you need in your first aid box as a natural element is zinc. As well as zinc-rich foods. You can go online and google foods that are rich in zinc…”

(To be continued)

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