Saturday, February 8, 2025

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By Manuel L. Morató

There seems to be an intentional and purposely inflicted controversy regarding Hydroxychloroquine simply because medical experts have suggested that for 80 years or more that Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be very effective and safe for patients stricken with Malaria.  

Political color has tainted the issue

President Trump is being blamed for exploring the possibility of the medicine in curing the COVID 19 victims and his detractors have gone wild that Hydroxychloroquine has “killed” so many patients when for almost 100 years, it has not caused death on any patient stricken with Malaria.  “It’s 99% effective and safe,” according to medical experts.

Why do the detractors of President Trump keep on muddling the issue when its time for all the leaders of the world to band together and try hard to at least agree, not to disagree?  It’s a very serious matter where we are all in now.

Since it’s an election year in the United States of America, suddenly politicians are wrangling to be put on television when it should be the medical experts who must be given time to speak, not idiots who blurt nonsensical comments on something they know nothing about.  These idiots cannot even show certificate, much less a “diploma” on where they graduated and degree on whatever they claim to know about such a serious matter on life and death.  There was even a lady Prime Minister of a Nordic country who was on CNN that “its not the time to touch on the issue of the World Health Organization (WHO).”  But I say to the past Madame Prime Minister, if President Trump wants to find out about something which is just now surfacing about the unusual behavior of the WHO regarding whatever the US (as its biggest contributor) feels to be unfair, there is no “not the right time” as the lady former prime minister of a Nordic country said.  Firstly, she is not in power anymore; secondly, its improper for her to even comment for as far as President Trump is concerned, his countrymen have the right to know why the US is contributing the biggest amount to the WHO.  Maybe, all countries must equally share as far as helping the WHO, especially when it is being criticized for not performing as expected.

Let them enlighten themselves why the Coronavirus/Covid 19 just suddenly infected the peoples of the world like a thief in the night.

President Trump laments that many nations were caught totally unprepared that a pandemic is in all the countries of this planet when some groups in the US were already announcing since 2016/2017 that a pandemic will happen soon.  How did they know?  Is it man-made?  Many are asking. 

Everyone was caught by surprise giving a short time for every nation to prepare.  It seems that in the US it was already being talked about during the past administration way before President Trump won and sat in office.  Why those in power then did nothing about it?  Was there an Omerta?

There are two medical experts who suffer from not being able to spread out what they know.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadural, an Indian American scientist, PhD, M.I.T., inventor of the “email at the age of 14.  Briefly said as a scientist, “Vitamins A, C and D keep Coronavirus away.”

Together with Dr. Buttar, another fantastic, brilliant doctor on which I will elaborate in my next column.  But in the meantime, please google what these two outstanding American doctors have to say.  For one, both said that ventilation killed patients either of heart attack or stroke.  Mukhang sobrang pressure sa puso caused strokes sa mga 30 and 40 years old that triggered blood clots; and they are already young adults.

Another American doctor, Dr. Jorge Rodrigues, Board Certified Internist, said that 88% who were subjected to ventilator and intubation suffered from forced air causing to patients lung inflation and lung swelling.  It was further said that the longer a patient is in a ventilator, it causes force and damage to the lung causing shortness of breath especially on patients with Asthma.

I wonder if the sharing of 2 tubes per ventilator used for intubation might also cause harm on the two sharing patients.  This must also be studied thoroughly.  This sharing of 2 patients per ventilator was used in the New York hospitals upon the alarming request of Governor Cuomo in his program that New York lacks ventilators which he repeatedly appealed for more in his CNN program.

Both specialists, Dr. Shiva and Dr. Buttar commented on the use of ventilator/intubation on patients whose lungs are already compromised.  Pumping more air on an already bloated lungs caused more deaths especially on the hardest hit US city, New York.  You’ve got to hear Dr. Shiva and Dr. Buttar talk. 

Before I end, I heard that Hydroxychloroquine, a very safe drug against viruses for almost a hundred years is even more effective combined with another safe drug Azithromycin for pneumonia or Coronavirus which also concerns the lungs.  Azithromycin for pneumonia has been proven to be good and not harmful to patients for also almost a hundred years.   

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