Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Delivering Stories of Progress



160th anniversary of the January Uprising

250 years of fighting Russian Imperialism

By Eryk Mistewicz For more than 250 years, Central Europe has been struggling with the same problem. 160 years ago, an uprising sparked off in...

Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Belarusians do not bow their heads

2023 marks the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising. Despite the passage of years, the echoes of this uprising are still present in public...

Polish Relay for Freedom

Poles have always refused to their fate being decided by others. The nineteenth-century January Uprising – a heroic guerrilla war against the Russian occupier...

Frederic Chopin – poet of Polish freedom

One hundred sixty years ago, in September 1863, during the January Uprising, the Russians demolished the Zamoyski Palace in Warsaw, throwing the piano once...

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