Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs: ‘No one is left behind’, as world celebrates Int’l Women’s Day

Ms. KAMIKAWA Yoko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

On March 8th, Ms. KAMIKAWA Yoko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, delivered a video message for International Women’s Day. The overview of the message is as follows.

  1. It is my sincere pleasure to celebrate with you this memorable day for women all over the world.
  2. However, discrimination and violence against women, as well as economic disparities between men and women still widely exist across global society. Especially during conflicts and disasters, vulnerable people such as women and children are severely affected.
  3. I visited Ukraine and Poland this January and witnessed the lives of women and children who were forced to evacuate. I am determined that we must bring about “reintegration” for families, communities, and the entire nationals in Ukraine who have been separated.
  4. Women, Peace and Security (WPS), which I am promoting, is an initiative to build a diverse society and achieve sustainable peace through women’s participation in a leading role in peacebuilding and disaster reconstruction processes. I believe it is one of my missions to advance diplomacy with WPS perspectives.
  5. Let us work together to achieve a world without conflict, and a society where “no one is left behind.”

Video message scripts in English (PDF) 


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