Daisho introduces unique slope protection technology in Phl to mitigate landslides in mountain areas


Climate change leaves increasing and catastrophic floods and landslides that not only impact lives but also damage roads and other infrastructure and economies. 

Mountainous areas in the Philippines usually bear this serious challenge resulting in widespread damage in times of disasters. Areas such as Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) are often exposed to landslide hazards. A significant portion of the region is classified as very steep and is prone to landslides, other mass movement, and erosion according to the Cordillera Regional Development Plan 2017-2022. 

To help address this, a Japanese slope protection technology without need to cut trees is being introduced in the Philippines via a partnership between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). Japanese company Daisho Co., Ltd. introduces said technology through a seminar on December 1, 2023, with around 400 on-site and online attendees as part of JICA’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector. This type of cooperation allows for Japanese companies to launch innovations and technology with JICA partner countries, such as the Philippines, to address significant development challenges. 

“In addition to our conventional Government-to-Government based Official Development Assistance (ODA) support, JICA has been putting higher priority recently on Public-Private Partnership promotion. This aims for win-win impacts for both Japanese companies and beneficiary countries. It can contribute to address a wide range of development challenges, while boosting socioeconomic growth of our partner countries,” said JICA Philippines Senior Representative OSHIMA Jiro. 

Daisho’s unique technology applies a so-called unit-net method where ground surfaces of mountain slopes are covered and reinforced without cutting trees. It also uses a special drilling method that does not require temporary scaffolding during construction. It is an efficient construction technology that can reduce construction duration by about 20% compared to usual construction method.  Moreover, it is an environment-friendly solution to prevent landslides in Philippine mountainous parts where deforestation can further expose citizens to landslide disasters. 

When implemented, said technology can mitigate loss of life and damage to houses and economy during severe typhoons, enhance safety of land transport infrastructure, and promote forest conservation. 

Daisho is known for its slope protection work in Japan, a country who is equally vulnerable as the Philippines to natural disasters. 

JICA has been introducing Japanese innovations to its partner countries, such as the Philippines, under JICA’s partnership with the private sector, creating business opportunities for Japanese companies and at the same time, providing solutions to development needs of partner countries. Consequently, more job opportunities in the Philippines will be expected as well. 


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