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LIFE MATTERS: The Divine Operations Order

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By Dr. Dencio S. Acop (Ret. Col.)

Like many saints drawn to the true meaning of life, Thomas Merton left his worldly domain to become a monk. Like many of them, he was brilliant. Still, he found meaninglessness even in the finest things of life until he began to see the world through the eyes of faith. Like the philosophers, clerics, thinkers, and sinners of all kinds, Merton sifted through everything. Read every book he could lay his hands on in search of the truth. Until he realized that if death is the greatest challenge of man, then how come man does not devote his entire life to doing something meaningful about it. The question of death transcends all of man’s greatest yearnings. Death is part of life on earth, but it is also part of eternal life in heaven. For if man has a soul, then wealth, power, honor, and pleasure (as Bishop Barron continually points out) are not the end of man but only his hurdles in favor of pain and suffering. Eternal life in heaven is the paradox of life here on earth. For it is in the rejection of the disordered worldly pride and selfish ambitions of man that he finds his true freedom and identity in Christ. Let’s face it. It is true that being good and doing good through the preponderance of evil in the world will only get man tortured, humiliated, and killed in imitation of Christ. But, non-violence, forgiveness, and peace have always been part of the strategy of divine life. For the battles fought by followers of Christ are spiritual battles. The war being fought by the army of Christ is a spiritual war. The army of Christ is not composed by those that filled the armies of the Roman, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, or British empires, but by spiritual warriors who bear the mark of Christ through their baptism. Secular wars have marked the history of man on this earth. Men have been killing men endlessly for survival for ages, one at the expense of the other. Whether it be in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, or elsewhere. The Romans killed and pillaged just about every village surrounding the Mediterranean. The samurai warriors did the same for 120 years against other tribes until Japan got civilized by Hideyoshi. The point is that our secular wars on earth will be endless. Yet, these wars are just narrow, unending battles because they are waged for selfish motives (by prideful kings, consuls, emperors, presidents, etc. and exploited peoples). Most significantly, earthly wars are temporary lasting only a few years until the vanquished foes are able to raise vengeful armies and repeat the entire process of killing all over again. They are still happening today. Sadly, these earthly wars could end us all. Then, and only then, will we remember God. Finally. 

The real battle is the spiritual battle. It is a decisive battle. The victors of this spiritual warfare shall inherit the eternal kingdom in the supernatural realm. For the soldiers in the army of God is written this Operations Order:

  1. Enemy Forces: Satan and all his evil cohorts roaming and prowling the earth seeking the ruin of souls in all weather and terrain; Identified by the mark of the beast and all its derivatives; Operating through cunning and deceit; Tempting the world usurping and offering the creation of God as if they were the devil’s own; Hiding in darkness, forked-tongued, in double-speak, sowing chaos and anarchy, appearing that which is not, creating disorder through the natural order created by the Supreme Creator.
  2. Friendly Forces: God and all his angels and saints; All who believe in the One and Only True Trinitarian God; True, practicing Christians; All who follow the will of God; Potential converts to the family of God; All who observe the moral law and order. 
  3. Attachments and Detachments: All who support the Friendly Forces

Our mission is to win and save as many souls in the world as possible in order to bring them to eternal life in heaven. 

  1. Concept of Operation and Tasks.

The battle for souls is in a precarious state. While unprecedented technological advancements have their benefits for man today, these tangibles have also managed to pull man farther away from God. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reassert the fundamental mission with emphasis at this particular point in time. It is the intent of Almighty God for all the faithful to warn the world to put back the global moral order in place and truly abide by the divine law as handed down to Moses and personified by the Incarnate Son of God. The institutions of the moral order are still in place. But there has been mortal danger that in many parts of the world, the letter of the moral law, more than its substance, hold sway. This situation has strengthened relativism and then secularism at the expense of the non-secular. It has come to a point where the global moral order is now once again being challenged by the powerful forces led by the unbeliever. If the formal institutions fail to fulfill their tasks toward the accomplishment of the overall mission, then it lies incumbent upon the informal members of the faithful to perform the critical and essential mission of God’s plan for mankind. This mission has always remained true and undiminished. May God be with us.   

  1. Coordinating Instructions.
  1. As revealed in the Holy Book.
  2. As organized, structured, scheduled, and delivered through Holy Tradition.
  3. As interpreted by the teaching authority of the ordained. 

As promulgated by the global moral order through International Humanitarian Law and the universal declaration of human rights ratified by 192 member states of the United Nations.

  1. Signal.

God’s and those of his earthly instrumentalities.

  1. Command.


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