A robust cooperation that aims to set up a national laboratory network for infectious diseases in the Philippines picks up pace with the kickoff of the second phase of the project on February 13, 2024.
The Project Strengthening the Philippine National Health Laboratory Network for Infectious Diseases (PHeLNIDs) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Department of Health (DOH) launched in 2022 will implement various capacity development trainings in the area of biosafety and biosecurity, whole genome sequencing, and data analytics in this coming second phase of the Project.

The activities are continuation of the Project’s first phase which include the dispatch of Japanese experts in different fields of disease management to assess the current gaps in the laboratory network, together with the Filipino experts from various DOH offices.
JICA Representative YAMASHITA Yuki said, “We’ve all seen the stronger pressure on the health system improvement when the pandemic strikes. In the case of COVID-19, the referral laboratories were overwhelmed with the request to test specimens from all over the country which caused significant delay in processing and providing results and affected the timely management of disease.”
“By strengthening the health laboratory network system under our joint efforts, we are assuring the people that they will have the quality healthcare they need, whenever and wherever they need it,” he added.
JICA supports the Philippine health sector in various areas including introduction of new treatment models for persons using illicit drugs and construction of drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center, strengthening the cold chain and logistics systems, improving maternal and child health and nutrition, as well as, addressing other infectious diseases.