Sunday, March 9, 2025

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LIFE MATTERS: Ordered to God

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By Dr. Dencio Acop

As Bishop Robert Barron always reminds us, our lives only become fruitful and bear meaning when we are ordered to God. Even in our worship to Him, there is order that is proper. And sadly, even such today encounters disorder thanks to secularism and relativism. It is also quite understandable given that the mystical body of followers is imperfect but only perfected by Christ. God does not need us and our imperfections but we do certainly need only Him who could perfect us. So, it is in the light of this spirit that I try to point out certain matters of impurity within the body that I believe must be ordered back.

As I went to the sacrament of holy eucharist today, I noticed that the choir was behind the altar in the holy of holies instead of the presider. This is the first time that I see this in a celebration of holy mass. It is not according to the order of things whose prescription began from holy scripture. The choir structurally belongs to the back or side of the church during mass but certainly not at the altar, the place of worship. Only the Holy Trinity should be there. At that time represented by the presider in Persona Christi Copitus (in the person of Christ the Head). Notwithstanding the beautiful concierto church music performed by the choir, the holy mass is not a concert.

Secondly, I notice that in that church and in some other churches the Crucified Christ is not at the most prominent place of the church which is above the altar clearly visible to all worshippers.

And finally, the Catholic Holy Mass is a Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. It is the highest form of prayer in the Christian world. It is where heaven and earth meet in homage to the Blessed Trinity. Where the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus are played out effecting the sacrifice and salvation of mankind in every celebration. It is a long Liturgical Prayer. It is not supposed to be interrupted by so many ad libs and niceties by the presider or lay. Non-liturgical commentaries are supposed to be kept to a minimum or excluded from the celebration altogether. Such do not belong to the liturgical celebration. It is like saying that the Holy Trinity stand by while we exchange earthly pleasantries. By our actions, priests or lay, we seem not to fully comprehend the ongoing Communion with God and the heavenly glory about us. We encourage distraction away from the sacred and holy. When we have all the time in the world for that following the concluding prayer when the presider says ‘the mass is ended; go in peace to love and serve the Lord’.

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