Monday, March 31, 2025

Delivering Stories of Progress


BEYOND SIGHT: When will we ever learn?

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By Monsi A. Serrano

The recent ala-Ondoy flood brought by Habagat that submerged 80% of Metro Manila is a tragedy waiting to happen.

It’s a simple case of what Einstein said that “Insanity is doing the same thing all over again and expecting different results”. We all know that when Ondoy struck us, we were hoping that people had already learned a painful lesson caused by their indifference towards the environment.

The ningas cogon and mañana habit traits of Filipinos strike again. When Ondoy hit us, many of us blamed the plastic and styrofoam makers and users. But can we blame the makers if there are no cheaper alternative sources or materials that are environment friendly? The proposal to ban the plastic and styrofoam by some noisy environment activists such as Green Peace is not only idiotic but also self-centered and self-serving!

Assuming their wish to ban the plastic and styrofoam would be followed, where will the people who are working in these companies go? Will the environmentalists feed them and give them job? How about the companies that will be shut down because of the banning? The issue here is not on whether we use plastic or styrofoam, but on the discipline, strict implementation of the law, lack of political will, corruption in the government and greediness of some corporations.

Let us go one by one on each item. If only people were disciplined, even if we use plastic and styrofoam, that would not really matter as long as people know how to dispose of their garbage properly. In the same way, even if we use biodegradable materials for packaging and bags, if people do not have discipline the purpose of using environment-friendly materials will be useless. Thus, it all boils down to discipline. The second is the strict implementation of the law. Everybody in Singapore is scared to violate the law because it’s a “fine city”. You get fined if you smoke in the non-smoking areas, chew gums, and throw your trash. But in the Philippines, the lack of balls and the double standard yardstick bastardize the laws created to be of service to men and women.

We often see people throwing their trash everywhere even if the trash bin is visible and within their reach, as if they are holding trash that weighs a ton or more. If the government implements a graduated penalty and fines the erring people, will these violators continue to grow? We see a lot of people even the ones driving their expensive cars, people in government and diplomatic car plates throwing their trash out their car window!

In countries like Canada and US, the penalty will cost you a fortune. Can we not do the same in the Philippines? Perhaps, it would be a good idea if there will be a rule or law wherein a citizen can report or apprehend erring people either by text or calling a certain number and report the car plate, color, time and other pertinent information that will easily identify the culprit. The lack of a political will is another factor that affects the flooding in the country. The will to eradicate the “informal settlers” commonly known as “squatters” who truly contribute tons of garbage and mess through their nonchalant attitude by invoking their being the downtrodden of the society. But if this appeal to pity continues to be entertained and would prompt the government to go easy on them and allow them to emotionally manipulate us, then we will never cease to experience this kind of problem of flooding, landslide in the metropolis, malnutrition and other crimes as result of justified squatting.

The Lina law must really be junked or repealed because this is the main reason why professional squatters grow by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, this is where the main chunk of vote that our politicians capitalize on. The corruption in the government has been contributing a lot in the chronic problem of flooding in our country. Where did the pork barrel go? It is very disgusting to see that most of the evacuation centers and assistance come the non-government organizations such as church, schools, and other civic organizations. On the other hand, there are still thick-faced political opportunists and social cancers like Mitos Magsaysay and sons capitalize on the catastrophe by distributing their BOBO RICE to their constituents with their names on it. Ad nauseam maxima.

Corruption has really engulfed our country. The roads, drainage system, schools, hospitals, medicines, rubber boats and other assistance intended for the people are either sub-standard or non-existent.

Last but not least, the greed of some corporations who unfortunately brag their wealth in Fortune Magazine not realizing the irony of the name Fortune Magazine is that the fortune these super-rich Filipinos brandish has caused the MISFORTUNE of the many people. The indiscriminate building of malls, condominiums and other edifices that killed the natural drainage have caused floods in the country. Many areas in Metro Manila were not flooded before.

With the advent of the malls built left and right, traffic congestion, flooding and even waste and water management problem occurred and will continue to chastise us as Mother Nature strikes back. Not only in Metro Manila but even in the provinces such as Cavite, Tarlac, Pangasinan and Baguio, when malls are built, floods started to happen unexpectedly. Indeed, gold has corrupted many kings. I wonder how much money was coughed out or greased to get approval from the places where these malls are built like sprouting mushrooms.

Now, here is the funny thing. These mall owners even tried to trick people by coming up with bags that they claimed as “biodegradable”. But to date, such claim is still debatable and whether it is truly an environment-friendly material if such claim as “biodegradable” truly exists.

For sure, we do not want another Ondoy or any flooding to happen that cost a lot of lives, damage to properties, illness and other social problems. We also appreciate the employment created by the development in the rural and urban areas of the country. But there must be a dynamic equilibrium. If there is a development, it must be a sustainable development. Not a development that will only satisfy one’s hunger and greed. If their indifference and arrogance continue, our question to the Filipino people is, when will we ever learn?

Tant pis!

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